
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Quick Update!

Hi Everyone!

Where do I start?  First, I'm so sorry to all those brands that I have yet to review.  I am feeling extremely overwhelmed lately, but please know how sorry I am that I haven't finished swatching what I promised I would.  I most certainly am working on it, and I will try to get it all posted as soon as possible.  Again, I'm very disappointed in myself for how out of control things have gotten in my blog world!  I don't want to give a bunch of excuses, but I definitely needed some time to just swatch and not post.  My goal is to have a Shimmer Polish tape mani for you tomorrow to continue to 10 Week Tape Mani Event.  I should also have some Zoya pretties up soon too!

My readers, I miss you all so much!  I'm slowing getting back into my blogging groove.  Thank you for all your support.  I guess I needed a longer break than I wanted to admit.  I will be back though, as blogging is such a huge passion of mine!

Mr. CC has not been feeling well this week and has stayed home from work, so if you can say a quick prayer or offer some well wishes, I would be extremely grateful!

Also, my sweet kitty, Bear, was bit by my dog, Coda.  They have always, always, always hated each other.  It's just something we have dealt with and we keep them separated.  However, Coda still loves to get past us and run after poor Bear.  Saturday, we weren't quick enough and Coda bit Bear's leg/paw.  Bear had to have stitches in three spots and his poor tail is bent. 

The doctor said he will heal in both his paw and tail, so it will be a couple weeks with a cone on.  He does not like his cone :-(  Bear seems affection still, just a little more jumpy (I would be too!).  I'm just glad he'll be ok.  I love both my fur babies, but I wasn't too happy with Coda!  I know it's prey instinct, but luckily he's been good this week.  Coda could probably tell Mr. CC and I weren't too thrilled with him!  Hopefully you guys know how hard it is to see your fur babies hurt, right?  Bear had medicine that just made him SO drugged up.  We actually stopped giving it to him, as he seems happier without and not in too much pain!

Anyway, I love you all and cherish your support and understanding.  I can't promise to be back to posting every weekday, but I sure am going to try!

Have a fantastic day!

Much Love,


  1. Goodness, what a time you have been having! Best wishes to Mr. CC and Bear.
