
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Enchanted Polish - December 2012

Hello Everyone!! Today I have a gorgeous Limited Edition polish from Enchanted Polish!  I don't think more will be made, but I do hope so, as this polish is stunning!  It is called December 2012.
For this mani, I used 1 coat - yes 1 beautiful coat! And topped with Wicked Fast by Cult Nails.  The coverage is flawless!  I love the Pinkish/Purple hue with the holo through it.  It's very deep despite being only 1 coat.
Although these pictures are taken in artificial light, you can see some of the holo shining through!  I'm sure the sun would only enhance this beautiful shade!
As I said, I believe this was a Limited Edition, so I don't think it will be back.  However, I recommend keeping in touch with Enchanted Polish for updates and other special limited edition releases! You stay up to date with Enchanted Polish on Facebook, Twitter: @enchantedpolish, and Instagram: @enchantedpolish!
You can purchase Enchanted Polish from, Llarowe and Harlow & Co. Also, stay up to date with them on Facebook - Llarowe - Facebook and Harlow & Co. Facebook. Polishes range from $13-$15 each, depending where you purchase.  Harlow and Co. restocked yesterday and still has some pretties left!
A close up, even though it's blurry, you can see all the holo glitters in it!
I hope you enjoyed this look at December 2012!  Can you believe the year is almost through?!
Have a great day!!
Much Love,

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