
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Enchanted Polish - Pumpkin Gutz


Hey!!! ;-)  Hope everyone is having a great week!!  Today I have the gorgeous Pumpkin Gutz to show you by Enchanted Polish!!  I am loving this collection and am really getting into the Falloween Spirit!!
For a base, I used 2 coats of OPI Stranger Tides.  I love this color!!
I then layered 1 coat of Enchanted Polish Pumpkin Gutz and topped with Seche Vite.
Pumpkin Gutz has a beautiful, subtle holographic shimmer through it!  It is made up of orange and black hexagons, orange bar glitter, and tiny green, orange, and black glitters!  Such a beautiful combo of glitters!
You can purchase Enchanted Polish from Llarowe and Harlow & Co.  Also, stay up to date with them on Facebook - Llarowe - Facebook and Harlow & Co. Facebook. You stay up to date with Enchanted Polish on Facebook too!  Keep an eye out, as Chelsea, the owner, will be having a 3000 follower giveaway on Facebook!!!

Llarowe should have Enchanted Polish's Falloween Collection on the site TODAY!! Make sure to check out Llarowe - Facebook for details!  Since this is a limited edition collection...if you have any you want, don't hesitate because I think this is the last sale!
Here is a blurred shot to catch some of that holo glitter!

Close ups!
I hope you enjoyed this look at Enchanted Pumpkin Gutz!!!
Have a great day!!
Much Love,