
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Enchanted Polish - Rainbow Pickle

Hello!! I had meetings all yesterday - what a way to start the week! Blah!  But even as much as those days drain me, it's like starting Tuesday as a Monday and that makes it *almost* a shorter week, LOL ;-)  Don't you love my logic?  Oh well, it gets me closer to a relaxing weekend :-D

Today I have an Enchanted Polish that was made by Chelsea of Enchanted Polish.  I'm excited because she has new colors coming out, which you can also see previews on Enchanted Polish's Facebook.  I love her combinations!  They are always stunning - and even better in person!

You can buy Enchanted Polishes from a couple places.  Leah Ann, from, is one shop.  You can keep in touch with her on Facebook for shop updates!  You can checkout Llarowe for other amazing Enchanted Polishes.

Another place to shop is with Katie at  She has a few different and same Enchanted Polishes that what Leah Ann does.  Harlow & Co. also has a  Facebook page that is updated frequently on what is being restocked.  Also, did you know that Harlow & Co. offers free shipping anywhere over $50!?!  Great deal in my opinion!

A few of the Enchanted Polish colors are going to be discontinued, so make sure to check out both Harlow & Co. and Llarowe to get them before they are gone!  This is 2 coats of Rainbow Pickle with Wicked Fast top coat by Cult Nails. 
I hope you enjoyed this look at another creation by Enchanted Polish!

Have a great day!!!

Much Love,


  1. hey crystal - this polish makes me think of Snooki!!! a little too realistic for my taste hehe. Am I the only one who can't actually find the Enchanted Polish FB page? The link just takes me to the fb homepage and I can't for the life of me, figure out how to see previews of her upcoming collection

  2. It should be fixed! I notice a problem when using mobile. My Facebook is not liking me lately!!! I hope that helps!!

  3. I love this color! It's different, but beautiful!

  4. These are very nice. I'm totally getting into the gold and greens lately
