
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Whimsical Ideas by Pam - My Friend Carol


Hi!!!! I'm glad Monday is over - was in meetings all day!!  So glad I had this beauty on though!!  So elegant yet captivating!  I went to put in on Sunday night and did 2 coats.  It was sheer.  At first, I thought - I could never wear this - you can see my nail line (whatever it's called - I'm so tired writing this haha).  But anyway, then I started typing Monday's blog.  The more I looked down at this color, the more I fell in love.  Let me tell you - I am not really a sheer polish wearer - but this color has changed me!  I threw on 2 more coats (so if you're counting - photos have 4 coats of My Friend Carol and 1 coat of Wicked Fast Top Coat) and these nails were as glossy as could be.  I absolutely loved this on my nails all day.  And rethinking it, I may have been able to wear it as two coats!   I honestly didn't mind the sheerness that I did at first.  Look at me, turning a new leaf!!  hehe

Ok, so you get it, I love the polish.   I swear I haven't had a polish that I didn't like yet.  I mean, if it's sheer, then I layer it.  If it's thick, I can always thin it.  If it's bumpy, Seche Vite it till it behaves...haha Anyway, now I'm a sheer wearer, so maybe I'll flirt with that some more!

And you want to know where to find these and more...Pam has a Facebook page called Whimiscal Ideas by Pam, that you can find HERE.  Seriously check out her other colors.  Even if you're not really in love with this, she has some amazing creations!  I'll eventually show you Seuss and Saturday Morning Cartoons, but hope to get Peanut Butter & Jelly and many more!  She takes orders by e-mails,  Once your order is complete, she will send you an invoice for you to pay her on PayPal.  Her polishes are $10 each, but shipping.  I believe she ships everywhere?  But you must talk with her about it!  I hope that helps! ;-)

Oh! And this polish is a sheer, milky white with pink hexagons and micro shimmer, that are foil like and catch the light.  It is very subtle and beautiful!

What's that?  You want to see a lot of pictures...OK!!!!

Artificial Lighting


This picture is just for fun - because well, look at how amazing those clouds are!  It almost looks like my background is fake, right? haha I was so crabby yesterday, I didn't even notice how nice it was.  Shame on me.  I had a nice bath, talked to some girlfriends, and watched Gossip Girl (you know you love me, haha) and felt much better though!  Today will be a better day!


Hope everyone is doing great!  Hope you enjoyed the many picutres!  And I hope you'll check out Pam's amazing creations!  She is so talented! 

Much Love,


  1. This looks so beautiful on you!! You crack me up girly.

  2. Love this! I also have Nancy's Birthday, Peanut Butter and Jelly, and Georgia Peach Fuzz (if it comes back) on my wish list :)

  3. congrats! i nominated you for the verstile blogger award. check out the link:

  4. Very pretty! Now THIS reminds me of a pink version of Whimsical or GITA!

  5. I love reading your blogposts! :) lovely polish, i love this one on you!
