
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ozotic 533


I had a request to swatch this, and the pictures were too pretty not to sure on the blog!!  Just a quick post, this is Ozotic 533.  It is a holographic with duochrome - crazy right!?  So it shifts from a blue, to purple, to a mauve/gold color depending on the light and angle.

I bought this through Llarowe HERE for $17.50.  She does have it in stock!  You can also buy from Harlow & Co. HERE for $17.00 but she is currently out of stock. 

The polish is thin, but that means it is great to layer!! ;-)  I used 4 coats for these pics because I wanted to show the true bottle color.  And these pictures have no top coat!  The thumb I did a layering, you'll see when you get there!  Enjoy the pics!


Over the thumb, I did two coats of 533 over a dark grey (Daring Digits Girl's Night Out).


Ok, Ok - enough drooling!  Now go to bed, because tomorrow is FRIDAY!!! ;-)  See you all at 8:00 a.m. with another post.

Much Love,


  1. The Layering is really lovely!!!

    I love it alone too of course. A Bit expensive, so this one might not be going on my wishlist.. lol.. (But it might end up on the wishlist I have for other people to buy for me). lol
