
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Pretty and Polished Bayou Blitz

I came home to the most wonderful nail mail today.  Mr. CC texted me while I was at work with a picture of 3 packages waiting for me.  (He also included some teasing too, lol.)  Needless to say, I was bouncing around with excitement for the rest of the day and speechless when I got to unwrap them all (pictures at the end of the post). 

I picked Bayou Blitz to quickly swatch since I know it is a brand new shade from Pretty & Polished!  I love it!  I used 3 coats because it is a teal jelly and I was going for opaque.  The neon yellow glitter sprinkles throughout the polish along with transparent hexagons of purple, pink, orange, yellow and green - all neon.  I did dab around a bit to get the hexes in place, but not a big deal considering how amazing it looks!  I finished the look with 1 coat of Poshe. 

On Etsy, Chels has a picture of this under a blacklight - it is SO cool.  You can see that HERE.  That is also the listing to buy the full size, but it is currently out of stock.  I would check back Sunday evening, as she is going to be updating her shop!  She also has mini sizes available.


I am completely addicted to these Mint Oreos.  I was trying to find the Birthday Cake ones and they must have been sold out!  I found these instead and they are SO much better than Birthday Cake ones!!  Plus they kinda matched the nails, lol!  Someone stop me...I want another one.

NAIL MAIL!!  Do you guys remember Blue's Clues?  Oh my goodness, my brothers and sister watched it all-the-time and all I can say is - "Here's the mail, it never fails, it makes me want to wag my tail, when it comes I want to wail, MAIL!!!!"  Sorry, if you have no clue what I'm referring to, you can Google it and I'm sure something will come up.  If you do know, I bet you sang it just like Steve did! hahahaha

Alright, can you tell it's late and I'm loopy?  A long week will do that to a girl!  Anyway, I recieved my Lynnderella polishes on Thursday!  I love them!!  I have the rest of the Lovely Is As Lovely Does collection on back order.  I am excited to start layering these bad boys!


And today was Pretty & Polished, Nerd Lacquer, and Elixir Lacquers!  What a HAUL!   I don't even know what to do with myself!  I want to just start painting everyone's nails...and I mean everyone..."here kitty, kitty...."


So next week looks like it's going to be another franken week....I really hope that's ok with you all!  I mean, they're too gorgeous not to share!  I will try to throw a combo in there too.  I feel bad that I haven't been playing around with colors that much!  And I feel like I'm obsessed with glitter lately haha My nails hate me for that.

Ok, enough of my rambling for this evening!  I'm going to get rest and see you all back here on Monday morning!!

Much Love,


  1. OOoo I have a swatch request: Chocolotta Love and also Mlle de Violette Bleu.
    Nice haul. I am LOVING this indie polish trend!! :)

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE :] what nerd lacquers do you recommend? <3

  3. Thank you so much for posting these swatches! I might try to snag Bayou Blitz when the store reopens. I was wondering if you think it would look good layered over neons? I'm wondering if the jelly base of Bayou Blitz will dramatically alter the color of the neon underneath.

    1. To clarify, I mean if I just put one coat over a neon--obviously three would alter the color of the neon!

  4. I think I would have passed out if I received that nail mail!! Im absolutely envious. I love the swatches... I think seeing this will get me out my comfort zone to try more "edgy" polishes lol

  5. This is so gorgeous!! Loving all your goodies you got. I'm definitely looking forward to the swatches.
