
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Julep Emilie and Ozotic 528

First, I have to mention how great all of your support has been.  I sincerely hope that you're enjoying what I post.  If you ever have suggestions or requests, you can always let me know!  Also, feel free to ask questions or e-mail me at  If you notice you're not listed on my blog roll list, please let me know that too and I will update it.  I try to read a lot of blogs daily, but it gets hard to not only keep up my social media as well as read everyone's blog and post a comment.  I knew having a blog wouldn't be easy, and I want to be involved in this community, so hopefully as time goes on, I will be able to do more with ease.  Again, thank you for the support, as it means so very much to me!

Today I have for you Julep Emilie paired with Ozotic 528. I was going through all my old photos on my phone (before my blog) and wanted to share this with you as I felt like this was a great combination!   Julep is a company that offers a program for $20 a month to receive a package full of products (mainly nail polish) at no less than a $40 value.  I love the idea, as who doesn't love to get nail mail?!  However, a few things of the company have turned me off. 


If you are unaware of these instances I'm referring to, please feel free to Google more information on Julep, as I prefer not to go into detail here.  I just want to warn anyone interested in this type of program to make sure you have all of the facts first.  I haven't purchased a box the last few months, but still am receiving their e-mails.  I think I am waiting for something to really wow me.  I do also have to say, that their bottles are smaller than most (8ml), with a retail value of $14.  I think they are great polishes, but the value to me doesn't seem worth it.  It is just my personal opinion, but for $14, I would rather pay an extra $1 and put that towards a Lynnderella or some other Frankened polish out there.  I wanted to like the company, but as I referred to earlier, I feel as though Julep morally has a few strikes against them.

Now that I have that off my chest, lets go onto the combo!  Now this Ozotic is extremely special to me because it is from the wonderful Katie at Harlow & Co.  She held a Facebook giveaway and I won!  I was seriously so shocked!  And what a beautiful gift!  I received this as well as piCture pOlish Denim.  She threw in a yummy chap stick too!  I highly recommend purchasing through her!  Her shipping is quick and she is very nice!  She just recently started carrying the franken polishes, NerdLacquer, found HERE.  These started on Etsy created by Amanda.  I know NerdLacquer is selling out extremely fast though, but if you google swatches, you'll see why.  If only I had endless amounts of money...I would own them all!

Ozotic 528 is simply stunning.  It is unlike any glitter I have ever seen.  It is made up of glitter pieces in blue, teal, and purple.  But then the amazing part is that they shift colors too!  So you end up seeing bits of gold, red, and green too.  It is SO fun!  Since it was a while ago, I do believe I used 2 coats of Emilie and 1 coat of 528. 



I think these two make a lovely pair!  I haven't played with Ozotic 528 in quite a while, so I will have to try it with different bases to see if I can find any other fun combos! 

Have a great day!

Much Love,


  1. This is such a lovely combination!!!

  2. Thanks for the idea! I'm going to try this with OPI Jade Is The New Black since I don't have Julep color.

  3. Pretty! I really like Emilie but I wonder how similar it is to OPI JITNB?
    As for Julep, I've had nothing but great experiences with them. I've heard they've had issues in the past and I know they've apologized and tried to correct them and I think they are still getting a lot of negativity. They are a fairly new company and it seems they're trying to work out the kinks, and maybe some mistakes were made by individuals and not as a company as a whole.
    To me, they are independent, local company (I'm in Portland) so I feel good supporting them. Besides, i don't think they've done anything morally wrong to even compare to the Walmarts (for example) and such, so if we hold Julep to such high standards then it would make sense to evaluate all the companies we choose to support in comparison.
    Besides, their polishes wear like iron on me and I love monthly nail mail.
    *steps down from soapbox and backs away slowly*

  4. Thank you Lissa! Glad you like it!!

    You're welcome Frankenstyna! Feel free to post a picture on my Facebook page, Crystal's Crazy Combos for how it turns out! Thank you!

    Tootsweet, thank you so much for taking the time to write your thoughts! I appreciate and respect your view on the subject! And you're right that they are fairly new and at least they have apologized for things they have done. That does say a lot about them as a company. I suppose I'm also waiting for them to grow a little more before I continue purchasing. I want to see where they are heading, as well as if they will continue to correct their errors instead of repeating them. And again, the price does bother me, $20 for 3 polishes of 8mL is a bit expensive, and unfortunately, some of the colors peeled off on me in sheets. Others were ok, but I need to do more experimenting with top coat and base coat. I noticed sometimes that is the problem and not necessarily the polish itself. I also agree with you on monthly nail mail though! It is a genious idea. As far as comparing to other companies, I suppose the reason I think what I think is that a lot of information I've seen first hand from Julep. To be honest, I don't usually shop at Walmart, just not somewhere I go. I do try to pay close attention to the companies that I support, and if we're talking nail polish, some are just starting out as well, such as Cult Nails, A-England, Harlow & CO., or Llarowe. In my opinion, they haven't had any incidents like Julep. I can completely understand if a company is growing and has hurdles to get over, but I've seen negative issues more than once from Julep, which is why I'm a bit leery. I really hope that helps for why I have the point of view I do. We can certainly chat more if you're interested! My e-mail is I just don't want to get into too much detail here, because I truly think everyone should do their own research and come to an opinion on their own. Very similar to how you represented your views! :-) I'm so glad to hear your thoughts though! Thank you again!

  5. This is a beautiful green and I love the combo with the Ozotic. Beautiful!! I can't get behind the cost for Julep either. They better have some really awesome and unique polish for me to spend my money.

  6. wonderful layering. beautiful indeed. =)

  7. Marisa, that's how I've been feeling lately. The first couple of boxes, I think I got some good deals, but overall, their colors haven't been too unique to me! I few in their newest collection look ok, but they only give you 1 per box :-( Oh well! Thank you though! Glad you liked my combo!!

    Thank you Mei Mei!! :-) glad you liked it!!
