
Friday, February 24, 2012

Joe Fresh!!

Twilight - 3 coats

I have 3 gorgeous Joe Fresh polishes to show you!  I did a swap with the lovely Lindsay at Polish & Diamonds.  I am so thrilled to have these!  They apply like butter!  First up is Teal, it could almost be a 1 coater (I used 2)!  It is a teal color (hence the name, lol) and has a pearl shimmer.  Next is Khaki, which I used 2 coats.  It is a light army green with a pearl shimmer.  And last, but not least, is Twilight, which is a black jelly and flakie that shifts from green to gold to orange.  I used 3 coats for the pictures.   This color is so pretty!  The flakies are huge too, which make it even better!  Each polish has a thick coat of Poshe top coat (love how glossy they look!).  It says they are $4 on the bottle, but I believe Lindsay found them 3/$10!  She is in Canada, but I believe they have a store in New York?  Not 100% sure, sorry!

Teal loved to change colors on me and not photograph very well!  It is pretty close though in the picture above though.  I've read that this is a perfect dupe to Rescue Beauty Louge - 360, sorry I don't have RBL to compare it!

Next is Khaki!  Another hard color to photograph! lol The color dried slightly darker than the bottle.

It is crazy how much lighting affects the color!  It kept changing on me, like in the next two photos!

And last we have Twilight!!  Wow.  Just wow.  Black jelly with huge flakies - need I say more?

Hope you enjoyed my photos of my new beauties!  Thanks again to Lindsay for swapping!! 

Have a great weekend!

Much Love,


  1. These look great!!! Yes, they have a few stores in NYC. The one I saw polish in was on 5th Avenue near 14th Street.

  2. These are nice. I kinda like colors that change shades a little depending on the lighting.

  3. I have to say it's love at first sight with Twilight!!

  4. That is awesome! Hopefully they start to come down closer to me in Chicago area!! :-) And thank you!! I really love them!

    Thank you Lissa! I like that in polish too! Makes it a tad difficult for pictures, but overall is interesting to look at throughout the day!! lol

    Thank you Saira! I thought so too!! It is such a pretty flakie! And unique in my opinion because the flakies are so nice and big! :-)

  5. I never heard of this brand but they are definitely nice!
