
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I'd be BLUE without YOU!

OPI I Have a Herring Problem with Sinful Colors Deep Blue Ocean

I can guarantee a lot of blogs will have Valentine's Day manis with pink, purple, red with hearts or anything else like that.  Instead, I went a different way.  It's not that I don't like that, because I definitely do!  And I may even do another Valentine's Day mani to post tomorrow ;-) lol But the other day my hubby was looking over my polish racks and pulled out Sinful Deep Blue Ocean and asked me to please use that. 

So we looked around for a color to pair it with and decided on my new OPI I Have a Herring Problem.  I had both bottles sitting on my vanity since probably Wednesday or Thursday last week....Oopsie!  So today I tribute this post to my amazing husband, Mr. CC, who I'd be blue without!  He truly is the most amazing man and I am SO very lucky to be his wife!  This will be our 9th Valentine's Day together, but our first as a married couple.  Not that it changes too much, it's just a special day out of the year to take extra time out of the day to say, "I Love You."  So, since my Hubby reads my blog - Honey, I love you.

Ok, sorry...enough mushy talk and on to the mani!!! I Have a Herring Problem is SO beautiful.  It has a dusty blue quality to it, but I almost see hints of dusty teal in certain lighting too.  The gold shimmer that shines through just adds a beautiful quality to the polish.  It makes this color unique to my collection.  This is from OPI's new Holland collection.  There are a lot more I love, so hopefully I'll be able to get some in the future to show you!

Can you tell how much I love this color!?  I have such a thing for blues.  Some of the pictures are blurry to show the shimmer.  I also apologize that it almost shows up as silver, but I promise you, it is gold!  I did do 3 coats because I felt 2 left some bald spots.  I probably could have more carefully done it in two, but the formula is a tad goopy, so I had cuticle drag.  Also, it starts out with one coat being almost sheer.  I honestly think 3 coats bring it to the perfect bottle match.

So then I took one coat of Sinful Colors Deep Blue Ocean over top.  This polish is amazing.  It is a jelly that is slightly tinged blue with opal blue/purple glitter and plastic flakie pieces.  They are iridescent, so when the light hits just right, they blaze!  I had a few nails that had tiny pieces sticking up, but I just Seche Vite top coated them the best I could.  I think if I used this again, I would take the extra time to lay them down with the brush.  Overall, most nails had no problem!

I think this color was extremely hard to photograph!  It doesn't have that goldish tinged quality to it in real life.  The camera picked it up, when in reality it wasn't visible when looking at it.  You really only see the flashes of bluish/purple.


Probably my favorite picture of natural outside light!
I hope you enjoyed my unique Valentine's Day mani!! Spend the day with those you love - it does not have to mean a husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend - it's just a day of love.  I think you make it what you want it to be.  :-)  So to all the people that take the time to read and support me, thank you - I wish you lots of love for the love you shown me!  I'd be blue without you too!

Much Love,


  1. Mani looks amazing, I didn't know Sinful Colors had flakies. I want!

  2. very cute combo Crystal! Love that your husband picked it out. very cute.

  3. Love this mani! I wish I owned this Sinful Colors.

  4. I love the combo!!!! Happy Valentine's Day to you and your hubby!! I hope you have a great day ;0)

  5. I loved the combo!! Hope this year's Valentine's Day is the first of many wonderful Valentines as a married couple!!

  6. Beautiful mani~ amazing color combo! ^.^

  7. Hello Ladies! Sorry for not mentioning earlier - Sinful Colors does have flakies, but I don't see them in stores. I got mine from Cherry Culture. I think it is out of stock now, but they should get them in soon! Usually anything with "ocean" a flakie. I would google swatches if you're unsure! :-) Hope that helps!

    Morie, thank you so so much!! ;-)

    Stephpiperr, thank you! He's a sweetie! I'm so glad he enjoys my hobby too!! ;-)

    Sara, hope my link above helps! And Thank you so much!!

    Thank you, Marisa! Happy Valentine's Day to you and your hubby too!!

    Lissa, glad you liked it!! And thank you so much!! Happy Valentine's Day to you and yours!!

    Thank you Colorsplashnails!! :-) It turned out better than expected!!

  8. I love the combo Crystal! I Have A Herring Problem looks good alone too. I hope you had a great Valentines :)
